About Non-Fiction Fiction


When I’m done with my day job as a programmer I write about whatever I feel like, which tends to be about things that concern me about the world around us. You can find those in the Fiction category (it’s in Portuguese because that’s my native language and to write fiction without using it sounds a bit insincere to me). I also like making games, programming, playing the piano, and producing music. It would be best if I got to focus on one of these things instead of being mediocre at all of them, but that’s not how creativity works. Any thoughts that are tangential to that will go on Non-Fiction. I work on-and-off on a first-person stealth game set on a post-apocalyptic, half-frozen, half-scorched planet. You can find the latest gameplay video for it here. The photo on the left is a sort of selfie which I took somewhere on Planet Earth. Feel free to yell at me @stechyo_ or stechyo@mailbox.org if you really want to talk about something.